What can Ideal.Cloud do for you? Cloud-centric solutions offer many advantages but also many challenges. Challenges ideal.cloud can help you overcome.
Providing consultancy services to help you plan your path into the cloud, understand the costs, benefits and the process. By taking the right approach from the inception of a project risks can be mitigated and timelines accelerated.
System architecture and design services, whether your solution is a native implementation to a public cloud or you require a hybrid/private approach, we have you covered. Ideal is not married to a single platform or vendor so can provide best-in-class solutions without bias.
IDEAL offers a range of migration and cloud services; need media analytics and curation services? Bulk transcoding and media optimisation? ideal.cloud services will find you the right tool for your job or develop one with you.
Increasingly software centric solutions can cause interoperability concerns with existing legacy infrastructure and is one of the greatest challenges a company can face on a transition to the cloud. IDEAL understands these challenges and how to deliver lightweight, tightly coupled solutions that meet your business requirements and your budget.